package com.aspose.slides.examples.asposefeatures.presentation.converttopdf; import com.aspose.slides.Presentation; import com.aspose.slides.SaveFormat; import com.aspose.slides.examples.Utils; public class AsposeConverter { public static void main(String[] args) { // The path to the documents directory. String dataDir = Utils.getDataDir(AsposeConverter.class); // 1. Conversion to PDF using default options. //Instantiate a Presentation object that represents a PPT file Presentation pres = new Presentation(dataDir + "presentation.ppt"); //Saving the presentation to PDF document + "AsposeConvert_Out.pdf", SaveFormat.Pdf); //Display result of conversion. System.out.println("Conversion to PDF performed successfully with default options!"); // 2. Conversion to PDF using custom options. //Instantiate the PdfOptions class com.aspose.slides.PdfOptions opts = new com.aspose.slides.PdfOptions(); //Set JPEG Quality opts.setJpegQuality((byte)90); //Define behavior for meta files opts.setSaveMetafilesAsPng(true); //Set Text Compression level opts.setTextCompression(com.aspose.slides.PdfTextCompression.Flate); //Define the PDF standard opts.setCompliance(com.aspose.slides.PdfCompliance.Pdf15); //Save the presentation to PDF with specified options + "AsposeConvert2_Out.pdf", SaveFormat.Pdf,opts); //Display result of conversion. System.out.println("Conversion to PDF performed successfully with custom options!"); } }